Mule and JAXB: turning an XSD file into an XML Fiesta!

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Hello friends! How’s it going?

Has the following ever happened to you? You show up to work one morning and your boss tells you, “I need you to take this data and turn it into XML.” Well, this has happened to me, and in this blog post I’m going to show you how to do this quickly.

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Complex Problem? No problem to Mule & Drools CEP!

Reading Time: 13 minutes


The architecture of Mule is driven by the principles of Industrial Best Practice as outlined in the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns which have identified the most common building blocks for every integration problem. These building blocks are what make up Mule Flows, the executable units inside Mule Applications. No matter what the problem, wiring them together into an integration solution is extremely easy and by exploiting the power of Mule’s native support for the Drools Rules Engine, the Integration Developer has a very powerful set of tools to tackle even the most complex of integration problems with the greatest of ease. With this post I hope to be able to demonstrate  this to you!

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Tremors, GeoNet and Mule: An interview with Geoff Clitheroe

Reading Time: 11 minutes

Today we’re interviewing Geoff Clitheroe, GeoNet Systems Development Manager at GNS Science in New Zealand. What does this beautiful but quake-prone island country have to do with Mule? This is where Geoff’s work comes into play: he’s leading a team of developers with whom he’s been building GeoNet, an advanced geological hazards monitoring system. And Mule is at the core of it.

MM. Jeff you’ve shared some very interesting blog posts about your usage of Mule in GeoNet (1 2 3). Before going into the juicy details can you summarize what GeoNet does?

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