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I am excited for Mule community members David Dossot and John D’Emic, that their book Mule in Action has been recently released by Manning Publications.

This book provides the first thorough coverage of all aspects of Mule. It provides examples for everything you will need to do with Mule, from creating and consuming services to working with various technologies such as JMS, Web Services, and FTP. Importantly, it covers how to test, deploy, monitor, and tune Mule applications, topics that can trip up new users due to the flexibility of the Mule platform.

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The great yet subtle element of this book is that the authors have captured the essence of pragmatism that is the founding principle of Mule. The notion that you can start small and build a complete ESB architecture over time is prevalent. Each chapter explains the tools provided by Mule for building service-oriented applications. The chapters cover everything, including configuration basics, message routing, data transformation, publishing services, and working with the Mule Galaxy registry.

This publication marks a significant milestone for the Mule project. It demonstrates that the ideals of open source and community building do work. The authors, David Dossot and John D’Emic, have been long-time community members and have made many other contributions to the project; this is a significant and lasting addition. I can see this book becoming the must-have guide for all current and prospective Mule users since it walks the reader through all aspects of Mule in the right amount of detail, focusing on the areas most important for building applications.

Manning has offered the Mule community a generous 35% discount for online orders! Visit to preview sample chapters and use the code “msource35” to receive the discount on your purchase.