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On November 18, 2008 at 9:00 AM PST (15:00 GMT) Wey Cheng and I will be presenting a webinar on Using MuleHQ to Manage Performance. You can register for the webinar here. Wey and I have been preparing an example to demonstrate typical read-world application performance issues and how to use MuleHQ to troubleshoot and resolve them. The webinar will focus on a live demo running a Mule application under load, observing some performance degradation, and then tuning to correct the problems. All with real-time feedback from MuleHQ!..

If you are interested in MuleHQ, it is available as part of a MuleSource Subscription.On November 18, 2008 at 9:00 AM PST (15:00 GMT) Wey Cheng and I will be presenting a webinar on Using MuleHQ to Manage Performance. You can register for the webinar here. Wey and I have been preparing an example to demonstrate typical read-world application performance issues and how to use MuleHQ to troubleshoot and resolve them. The webinar will focus on a live demo running a Mule application under load, observing some performance degradation, and then tuning to correct the problems. All with real-time feedback from MuleHQ!

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If you are interested in MuleHQ, it is available as part of a MuleSource Subscription.