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The rising popularity of APIs as an architectural and development pattern has driven a massive shift in how we think about application and systems design; but how are we thinking about APIs themselves? As API adoption increases, we need to learn how to mitigate risk, maximize utility, and ensure we are building the right APIs for the right people.

Reza Shafii, Director of Product Management, introduces the API Hierarchy of Needs in his InfoQ article, “Minding the API Hierarchy of Needs with RAML and APIkit“, and discusses the advantage of a holistic, broadly inclusive approach to API initiatives.

He argues that it is a tempting, and common, shortcut to jump right to API Management as a primary concern, without first investing in the ‘meat’ of your API – design and implementation. In the article, Reza shows how RAML and APIkit can easily be used to fulfill the two foundational levels of the API Hierarchy of Needs by helping you first design, and then implement your APIs in a way that can drive API consistency, quality, and usability.

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Read the entire article on InfoQ»

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