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We’re very happy to announce Tcat 6 R4.3. This latest release of Tcat Server builds on Tcat 6 R4, making life even easier for Tomcat users. Enhancements in this release include:

  • Solaris support: Driven by customer demand, Tcat Server now includes a Solaris installer and deeply integrates with the Solaris 10 Service Management Framework (SMF), supporting standard service querying, stops, starts, and restarts.
  • Server metrics on the global dashboard: Track critical statistics in one place with the new server metric portlet.  You can get an instant view into statistics like requests per second or your favorite JMX metric, either for a single server or across all your servers. With this addition to the global dashboard, administrators now have a truly complete view of their infrastructure on one single screen.
  • Alerts for server groups: Easily watch for SLA violations, log file warnings, or servers going down by creating alerts which apply to server groups. This means that you can more easily manage performance at the cluster or application level, rather than just for individual servers.
  • Cross platform server profiles: Tcat’s server profiles are now even more powerful, supporting multi-platform deployments of Tomcat  Environment variable settings in the server profiles are specially processed by Tcat Server to match the native shell of the platform that the server profile is applied to. Programmatic conditional values can be used in the environment variables, so that the value is used only on one operating system type, or in the presence of another environment variable or system property.
  • Support for latest Tomcat 7: This release updates Tcat to the latest version of Tomcat, 7.0.5 beta, in addition to it’s support for Tomcat 6 and Tomcat 5.5. As always, Tcat is built on 100% Apache Tomcat, so new versions of Tomcat are supported immediately as they are released, and using Tcat Server requires no rip-and-replace for existing Tomcat users.
  • Support for the IBM J9 and Oracle JRockit Java VMs

For more detailed information on this release, check out our release notes or head straight to the download page.

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If you haven’t tried Tcat Server yet, learn more or watch the 2-minute screencast.