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Here’s our weekly roundup of the top 5 integration and API articles of the week.  Take a look, let us know if we missed any, and share your thoughts in the comments.  Don’t forget to follow @MuleSoft to stay up-to-date on integration & APIs!

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Facing The New Big Bang: The IoT’s Identity Onslaught

In the Internet of Things everything will have a digital identity, and issues such as privacy and security will become exponentially complex.

Internet of Things Platforms and IoT Strategies

What are some platforms today building out the infrastructure for the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things – A Collaborative Economy

The Internet of Things will optimize collaboration, universal access and inclusion, all of which are critical to the creation of social capital and the ushering in of a sharing economy.

The Connected Cars War

Apple and Google are fighting it out over the future of connected cars in the Internet of Things.

Zeichick’s Take: Open up your APIs!

Alan Zeichick, founding editor of SD Times, gives some open API tips from the Developer Relations Conference.

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