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Tackling API development with an API first approach allows companies to focus on designing APIs to deliver business, rather than focusing on the nuts and bolts of implementing those APIs. With API first design, businesses can create an application programming interface optimized for adoption and once finalized, use a platform to rapidly implement it by connecting it to backend services. Moreover, teams can work on various elements of an API solution simultaneously, ensuring all that it meets your technical and business expectations.

Starting with an API description is core to this API first approach – a clearly written service description makes it much easier for team members to collaborate from the very beginning. API mocking enables your team to build tests, clients and the server implementation for your API in parallel. From designing to building, to management and testing, approaching application programming interfaces with an API first strategy is crucial to creating successful APIs.

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Learn why we are the Leaders in API management and iPaaS

Register for the upcoming webinar, “API First Development with RAML and SoapUI”, presented by SmartBear’s Ole Lensmar and MuleSoft’s Sumit Sharma, to uncover “API Development First” principles. This methodology ensures that you deliver great APIs rapidly and efficiently. Your API product managers, developers and consumers will thank you for it!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Model your API with RAML
  • Generate server-side code from your RAML definition
  • Use SoapUI to generate dynamic mocks of your API
  • Test those mocks and create a test framework in SoapUI
  • Use those tests for Continuous Integration and production monitoring
June 25, 2014 at 17:00 GMT (1pm EDT)

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