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Since the launch of the public beta of Tcat Server a few weeks ago, the team at MuleSoft has been busy working on adding new features to the product. We also launched a new product called Mule iBeans. To complement iBeans, we released public beta 2 of Tcat Server, which is now optimized as the ideal runtime for iBeans and contains several new features. Here are the highlights:

1. Support for Tomcat 5.5

As soon as we launched the public beta, we heard from several of you that you are running Tomcat 5.5 for some applications. In response to this, we decided to support Tomcat 5.5 in addition to Tomcat 6.x for Tcat Server. While we ship with an official Apache Tomcat release of 6.0.20, you can use the Tcat Server console to manage your existing Tomcat 5.5 instances as well. See the documentation for steps to enable standalone Tomcat to be managed by the Tcat Server Console.

2. Restore Deployments

As you have seen in my earlier blogs, Tcat Server provides the deployment history. If you deployed a new version of the application and it is not working as intended, you now have an option to select a previous deployment from version history and restore it, allowing you to recover to a well-known stable deployment of the application.

3. UI Improvements

We made several UI improvements that are targeted at making common tasks more efficient, and we have added some more visual indicators to lead you to the most logical action on a given screen. For example, you can now register and add registered servers to a group with a single click. Also, the Unregistered group now becomes bold whenever unregistered servers have been discovered.

We think you will like these new additions to the product. Please download the public beta 2 release of Tcat Server and send us feedback by emailing: tcat at mulesoft dot com.

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