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We asked you to describe a connected world, and received some great responses!

Here are a few of our favorites:

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In a connected world, my alarm clock would trigger my coffee maker #connect14 

— Sarah Burke (@scbsays) April 4, 2014

In a connected world, my doctor, dentist or surgeon knows my entire history #Connect14 

— Robert Anderson (@RobAnderson505) April 4, 2014

In a connected world, I don’t have to order pizza. It arrives before I know I want it. 😉 #Connect14 

— Marc Calder (@MCalder) April 3, 2014

In a connected world, my sprinkler system self-regulates based on weather forecasts. #Connect14 

— Karan Singh Malhi (@KaranSinghMalhi) April 9, 2014

In a connected world, products are crowdsourced and have zero marginal costs. should join #Connect14 

— Via Voottoo (@Voottoo) April 10, 2014

In a connected world, a baby’s diaper will send a message to parents when it’s time to be changed.. #Connect14 #smartdiapers 

— James Donelan (@jdonelan) April 3, 2014

In a connected world being reactive is a thing of the past #futureproof #Connect14 

— Nic Clark (@nic4riptide) April 3, 2014

In a connected world your waiter will receive a txt when your glass is empty! #smartbeer #Connect14 

— Melissa Narvaez (@MelissaNarvaez) April 3, 2014

In a connected world, the worlds largest democratic election results can be computed immediately after polls -Good luck India #Connect14 

— Karan Singh Malhi (@KaranSinghMalhi) April 10, 2014

In a connected world, integration is not achieved, it is assumed. #Connect14 

— Marc Calder (@MCalder) April 3, 2014

You can still enter to win MuleSoft gear!

Simply tweet, “In a connected world … #Connect14” and let us know what your connected world is like.

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