Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you have queued up for more than twelve hours to see an opening-night showing of a Lucas- or Jackson-produced film, or slept outside to be the first to obtain a Jobs-ian product, or requested an invitation to pre-pre-order anything produced by Activision or EA, then you might be someone we’re looking for.

We want early adopters. We have a new, pre-beta version of Mule ESB, and we want to know what you think. Are we on the right track with our incarnation of a visual flow debugger? Will our DataMapper enhancements be welcome improvements? Was it a good idea to include an animated paper clip to offer assistance when building a flow?  (Just kidding.)

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Download Mule and give us your feedback.  While not production ready, this version is something in which to discover, to explore, and to constructively criticize. Get your hands dirty. Try it on for size. Give us the feedback  through the forums or commenting on this post.

Want to see the movie trailers?

Visual Flow Debugger

DataMapper Enhancements

We’ve also added a few features like connection management, documentation generation, and transaction demarcation to improve the lives of integraters everywhere. Read the blog post that accompanied the initial December 2012 launch of Mule ESB 3.4 early preview to get a full account of all the juicy details.

Think you know Mule? Think again. 2013 is going to be interesting.