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APIs are incredibly important to today’s business – you can’t think about digitally transforming your business without having a handle on your API strategy. But how do you begin developing your API strategy? How can you deploy APIs to best effect in your business? How do you decide which APIs to use or whether you should design your own? And once they’re designed and built, how do you manage them?

Fortunately, Programmable Web is here to help. MuleSoft and Programmable Web will be running an online training course called ProgrammableWeb’s APIs 101: Succeeding with APIs on June 30, 2016. This course, led by Programmable Web editor-in-chief David Berlind, is meant for all everyone — executives, managers, developers, architects, or IT professionals — who want to understand the critical role APIs play in the world today and the best practices for implementing an API strategy of their own.

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David notes that the all-day class is “primarily designed for those of you near the beginning of your journey when it comes to providing APIs,” and will discuss issues like how to make APIs work in your organization, how to maximize your success with an API strategy, and even designing and creating your own API.

It will be a great course and the feedback from previous attendees has been very positive. Sign up today for the June 30 training session and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to David. See you there!