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Gender equality is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart. I am fortunate enough to work on a team that is 70% women, but in the world – and often in the tech space – that is not the case. In fact, true global gender equality will not be achieved for another 135 years.

Here at MuleSoft, equality is one of our core values. We believe everyone should be equally seen, heard, and empowered to succeed. That’s why, on March 24, 2022, during Partner Kickoff 2022, I will sit down with Anita Bhatia, Deputy Executive Director for UN Women, and MuleSoft’s Chief Product Officer, Meir Amiel, to discuss the current state of gender equality in the world and how we can work together to drive meaningful change.

But we’re not just talking – we’re also taking action by raising money for UN Women, an organization that helps empower women by driving gender equality and providing global support for women in need. Join us as we learn, give, and inspire change during PKO22 and beyond.

Learn: Join our Equality Keynote at PKO22

We invite all MuleSoft partners and prospective partners to register for our virtual Partner Kickoff on March 24, 2022 to hear how we are enabling our partners to thrive this fiscal year, engage with our leaders, and tune into this very important equality conversation with UN Women. 

Not attending Partner Kickoff? No worries! After our equality session during PKO, this conversation will be streamed on March 31, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. PT on MuleSoft’s blog, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook pages. To get the episode sent directly to your inbox, subscribe to our CIOs Unfiltered series. No matter where you watch it, this equality discussion is a learning opportunity you won’t want to miss. 

MuleSoft PKO 22

Give: Order your shirt today

Show your support by ordering a MuleSoft equality shirt! 100% of proceeds will be donated to the work being done by UN Women. To order, follow these steps:

  • Head to the MuleSoft swag store
  • Enter your email address
  • Enter access code equality (case-sensitive)
  • Place your order
Equality t-shirts for PKO 2022
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Inspire: Make a commitment and encourage others to do the same

We all need to make a lifetime commitment to end gender inequality. After hearing the key takeaways from our Equality Keynote, we invite our partners and your customers to join us on social media on March 31, 2022 as we close out Women’s History Month with a bang! Share one thing you can commit to in your day-to-day to move the needle on gender equality using the hashtag “#IDo”. 

Global gender equality impacts everyone. In the words of former First Lady Michelle Obama, “No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens.” 

We believe that all people should be allowed to experience their true potential, so we invite you to join us and help move the needle on gender equality for all! 

Together, we can drive impact. We can’t wait to see you at MuleSoft PKO 2022