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We are excited to announce the general availability of MuleSoft Intelligent Document Processing, marking a significant leap toward realizing our vision of a fully connected, end-to-end automation platform. 

MuleSoft IDP empowers teams to use AI to automatically extract and organize data from unstructured documents, enabling seamless integration with downstream systems that streamlines processes such as budget reconciliation, order fulfillment, and supplier onboarding.

With advanced AI algorithms at its core, MuleSoft IDP effortlessly extracts and structures data from diverse formats like PDFs and images. This data can then be seamlessly integrated into Salesforce Flow, MuleSoft Anypoint Platform, or MuleSoft Robotic Process Automation (RPA), facilitating end-to-end process automation.

Moreover, MuleSoft IDP includes preconfigured templates for common documents such as purchase orders and invoices, reducing setup time and eliminating the need for extensive document training. Additionally, users can incorporate human-in-the-loop reviews, ensuring improved governance and accuracy in LLM-generated outputs.

Watch our demo video to see IDP in action.

IDP in action

Why is MuleSoft Intelligent Document Processing so crucial? 

Most IT teams are overloaded with project requests. Last year, these teams saw these requests rise by an estimated 39% – making it difficult for developers to focus on more business-critical work. Fortunately, generative AI makes it possible to automate many processes, a key reason why 86% of IT leaders believe the technology will soon play a prominent role in their organizations. 

In recent years, the integration and automation market has witnessed rapid evolution, with companies increasingly adopting IDP as part of their broader RPA or automation strategies. However, despite this consolidation, many solutions still struggle to deliver fully connected, streamlined workflows, falling short of keeping up with the latest advancements in AI. This leaves businesses yearning for an AI-powered unified platform capable of seamlessly automating end-to-end processes.

Extract and structure data faster in any format with AI-powered accuracy

Last year at Dreamforce, we unveiled MuleSoft IDP, showcasing its cutting-edge document automation capabilities driven by pre-trained algorithm models. These capabilities facilitate the entire document automation lifecycle, from data extraction to integration with downstream systems, seamlessly integrated into Salesforce Flow. This provides businesses with the flexibility to enhance customer and employee experiences by:

  • Delivering intelligent automation anywhere: Replace manual data entry with AI-powered IDP, extracting and structuring documents intelligently from any format, including images and PDFs.
  • Saving time with out-of-the-box templates: Streamline routine document management workflows with pre-built templates for purchase orders and invoices, minimizing setup and configuration time.
  • Making document processing simple for everyone: Empower users of all skill levels to automate document processes effortlessly through intuitive clicks and natural language, eliminating the need for extensive coding or technical expertise.

Exciting developments lie ahead as we announce the upcoming release of MuleSoft IDP powered by Einstein. This integration will unlock valuable insights from documents using natural language prompts, without complex training or reliance on pre-defined document templates. With Einstein, users can extract unstructured data fields, format responses as JSON outputs, classify and summarize documents, and intuitively perform additional tasks.

MuleSoft Intelligent Document Processing makes it easy for business users and developers to work together to automate everyday document workflows. Data can be extracted and consumed as part of any workflow, humans are involved only when needed, saving lots of time. Join us as we embark on this transformative journey together!

Excited to learn more about MuleSoft IDP? 

For further insights into MuleSoft IDP, check out our recent press release, watch it in action, and join us at World Tours and Dreamforce this year to explore ways to maximize the value of your automation initiatives!

We’re thrilled to witness these products in the hands of our vibrant community of developers, administrators, and both business and IT teams. We eagerly anticipate how you’ll leverage them to unleash innovation and propel the future of work for every team!