Turbo charging front-end development with user-created RESTful resources
In this article, I will show you how RESTx - an open source project for the creation of RESTful web services and RESTful resources -
Introducing RESTx: A new, simpler way to integrate and publish data
We are happy to introduce RESTx, a new open source project from MuleSoft. We believe that RESTx is quite simply the quickest and easiest
Dynamic App Runtime Updates in Mule
Mule community member, author, and consultant Eugene Ciurana recently discussed a technique for extending or modifying the run-time code in Mule without stopping the
Using JSON bindings with iBeans
JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data interchange format. It is a text-based, human-readable format for representing simple data structures and
iBeans = Dead Simple Integration for Web Apps
I am very excited to announce that MuleSoft has launched a new open source integration product called iBeans (short for Integration Beans). iBeans provide
Having Some REST with Mule’s Power Tools
This is a guest blog entry by David Dossot, co-author of the soon-to-be-released book Mule in Action. I recently had the opportunity to integrate
Jersey, Restlet, and Abdera RESTpack Releases Available for Mule 2.2.1
We're happy to announce the availability of the RESTpack connectors for Mule 2.2, which include support for Jersey, Abdera, and Restlet. In addition to