JUGs around the globe

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Over the past few months the momentum and activity from the community around Mule has been truly astounding.  As you may have seen in the newsletter Ross recently sent out, we’re continuing to update our community site to highlight some of the great things you have been doing.  We’re also starting to get more involved with local JUGs and mixers around the globe so that we can learn from you and share roadmap and product updates before they go prime time…

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Introducing Expression Transformers

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Mule expression framework was one of the new features in Mule 2. It provides a very powerful way to make queries on incoming messages and use the results to control how Mule behaves. Mule already supports a variety of expression languages such as Xpath and Groovy. There is also expressions for navigating the current message headers, payload and attachments…

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Performance Tuning in Mule

Reading Time: 6 minutes

There are several ways to tune performance in Mule. I’ve just finished a page on performance tuning in the Mule 2.x User Guide that walks through the available performance tuning options and provides formulas for calculating threads. Following is an excerpt of the high-level information from that page…

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Mulecast: “Mule in Action” book interview

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In this episode, MuleSource CTO and co-founder Ross Mason speaks with David Dossot and John D’Emic about their recently released book “Mule in Action” published by Manning. During this podcast the authors discuss why they wrote the book, what readers (and users of Mule) can expect, and some tips on getting started with Mule today… Continue reading

Upcoming Webinar on Managing Performance Using MuleHQ

Reading Time: 3 minutes

On November 18, 2008 at 9:00 AM PST (15:00 GMT) Wey Cheng and I will be presenting a webinar on Using MuleHQ to Manage Performance. You can register for the webinar here. Wey and I have been preparing an example to demonstrate typical read-world application performance issues and how to use MuleHQ to troubleshoot and resolve them. The webinar will focus on a live demo running a Mule application under load, observing some performance degradation, and then tuning to correct the problems. All with real-time feedback from MuleHQ!..

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QCon, San Francisco, next week

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Its QCon time again in San Francisco. This is one of the conferences that I really enjoy and the line up for this year is looking better than ever.

On Thursday, I will be doing a panel discussion with Bob Lee, Rod Johnson and Geir Magnusson discussing “How does the Open Source trend in Java affect your design and development process”, which should be really interesting.

On Friday I am co-hosting a talk with Dan Diephouse about Bringing the enterprise to the web with Mule. Folks attending the Mule session on Friday at 2pm will get the option of a 27% discount (not quite sure how we got to that random number) for the excellent Open source ESBs in Action Book plus the chance to win some Mule training.

As always I’d love to meet any Mule users at the conference, just catch me after my sessions ping me on twitter or wait for me by the beer fridge 🙂

Tune in to the inaugural MuleCast

Reading Time: 4 minutesMuleCasts are by the Mule community, for the Mule community. The series will highlight cool and interesting use cases, work done by active Mule community members, and helpful project updates for Mule and Galaxy.

In this episode, MuleSource CTO and co-founder Ross Mason speaks with Tijs Rademakers and Jos Dirkson about their recently released book “Open Source ESBs in Action” published by Manning. During this podcast Ross, Tijs and Jos discuss why the open source model makes sense for ESBs and integration, as well as the technical strengths and weaknesses of particular ESBs, including Mule. Continue reading