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Its QCon time again in San Francisco. This is one of the conferences that I really enjoy and the line up for this year is looking better than ever.

On Thursday, I will be doing a panel discussion with Bob Lee, Rod Johnson and Geir Magnusson discussing “How does the Open Source trend in Java affect your design and development process”, which should be really interesting.

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On Friday I am co-hosting a talk with Dan Diephouse about Bringing the enterprise to the web with Mule. Folks attending the Mule session on Friday at 2pm will get the option of a 27% discount (not quite sure how we got to that random number) for the excellent Open source ESBs in Action Book plus the chance to win some Mule training.

As always I’d love to meet any Mule users at the conference, just catch me after my sessions ping me on twitter or wait for me by the beer fridge 🙂