Galaxy on EC2 via Cloud Foundry in 10 minutes!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A couple of months ago, I reviewed the process for deploying Mule Galaxy, our SOA governance platform, onto Amazon’s EC2. Not long after that, I was introduced to cloudtools, a set of tools for deploying, managing, and testing Java EE applications on EC2. With these tools, it becomes trivial to deploy an application like Mule Galaxy to the cloud in minutes, rather than hours.

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Technical Webinar tomorrow: Mule for ETL

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are you trying to poll a database and transform the results to a certain plain text file? Do you need to pick up a data file, split it into individual records and insert those records into the database? Would you like to poll a source database and send the results to another database for insertion?

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Error Handling in Mule

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Mule provides different approaches to handling errors. You can set exception strategies for connectors, models, and individual services. You can use the exception router to specify where the message goes when an error occurs. And you can use the exception type filter for fine-grained control. Following is an introduction to these approaches.

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New Mule Financial Information eXchange (FIX) Transport on the MuleForge

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As you may have seen, a new Mule Financial Information eXchange (FIX) transport project was recently made available on the MuleForge. A big kudos to the project owner, Stephen Fenech, and the team at Ricston for making this project available.

FIX is a public domain protocol aimed at real-time electronic exchange of securities transactions in the Financial Services industry, and is considered to be a standard protocol for pre-trade communications and trade execution. The Mule FIX transport is based on QuickFIX/J – a full featured messaging engine for the FIX protocol that is a 100% Java open source implementation of the popular C++ QuickFIX engine. This transport allows users to read and write messages over FIX endpoints and have Mule ESB route, transform and filter messages accordingly.

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Getting a Response from your Mule Services

Reading Time: 4 minutes

When wiring your Mule services together, new users sometimes get confused about when to use an outbound router and when it’s sufficient to simply get a reply. Following is a description of the three message styles you can use to get a response from your Mule services.

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