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As you may have seen, a new Mule Financial Information eXchange (FIX) transport project was recently made available on the MuleForge. A big kudos to the project owner, Stephen Fenech, and the team at Ricston for making this project available.

FIX is a public domain protocol aimed at real-time electronic exchange of securities transactions in the Financial Services industry, and is considered to be a standard protocol for pre-trade communications and trade execution. The Mule FIX transport is based on QuickFIX/J – a full featured messaging engine for the FIX protocol that is a 100% Java open source implementation of the popular C++ QuickFIX engine. This transport allows users to read and write messages over FIX endpoints and have Mule ESB route, transform and filter messages accordingly.

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Check out the project online at: The current snapshot release can be obtained from where you will find an archive. To install the archive simply extract over your current Mule 2.2.1 distribution. The pack also comes with two examples. In these examples Mule is acting as an intermediate between a Fix Client and a Fix Server.

If you don’t have Mule 2.2.1, you can download it here: .

The project is in pre-alpha stage so community influence and input will be helpful. As with all MuleForge projects, feel free to add requests as Jiras in the project space or send an email to the project owner.

It’s exciting to see great project activity like this on the MuleForge. Mule Community members can check out the MuleForge for transports, modules, and tools to use with their Mule ESB implementations. Community members can also easily create or contribute to projects on the MuleForge.