Reading Time: 3 minutes

Mule Enterprise Security is a set of capabilities that build on top of Mule Enterprise’s existing security capabilities, including:

  • Secure Token Service and OAuth 2.0 Provider
  • Digital signing and data encryption
  • Credentials vault
  • Security filters

In this post we are going to look at how to use the data encryption capabilities in Mule Studio. We’re going to be using Mule Enterprise. Consider the following flow

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We want to return the xml sensitive information  in a way only authorised recipients can see it (encrypted).  With the new mule enterprise security module, encrypting information is easy, just follow 3 steps:

1)  Insert the encryption module into your flow:

2) Create your config reference  (click on + and then Ok):

3) Write your encryption key:

And you are done!

What else could you do with this module?

1) Select three encryption strategies:

2) Use keystores to store your keys
3) Change your encryption configuration at runtime
4) Use multiple encryptions strategies with the same module
Enterprise integrations running across trust boundaries demand robust security solutions. Mule Enterprise Security provides end-to-end protection of your integration ecosystem.  Data encryption is just one step towards bullet proof integration.