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Continuing my whirlwind speaking tour on Mule, I landed in Dallas this week to talk to the JavaMUG. This was my first MUG (I’ve been to JUGs, SIGs, Camps, and Meetups, but never a MUG), and I was blown away to walk into a room of 75+ people all there to hear about Mule (okay, the free pizza and soda probably helped, too). Supposedly it was their largest attended event in several years. I gave a similar talk last month in San Francisco, but in Dallas I expanded a little on my thoughts about SOA and the Cloud.

There were quite a few questions, which left me with not enough time to get through all the slides and the examples. As promised, I have posted them here.

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Next stop is another local one: the eBig Java SIG on Wednesday in Oakland. The tour wraps up later this summer at the O’Reilly OSCON Open Source Convention in San Jose, where both Dan Diephouse and I will be speaking on topics related to Mule.