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Microservices is one of the hottest technology trends of 2016. But what do microservices actually mean for your business? How can you implement them in the right way? And what tools are available to help you?

Join us at our upcoming webinar, Best Practices for Microservices, to learn how microservices can help your organization achieve digital transformation.

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Attendees will learn:

  • What microservices are and why they are an increasingly popular architecture
  • How to implement microservices in the right way for your organization
  • Our recommendations on how microservices can exist alongside your legacy systems

Today’s hypercompetitive business environment demands increased agility and flexibility from the IT organization, and microservices can help you achieve that. We’ll be taking a close look at microservices from both an architecture and business perspective. Join us next Tuesday, May 10, at 10 AM Pacific. See you there!