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Last week was Oracle OpenWorld here in San Francisco, a gathering of over 40,000 IT executives, architects, developers, and system administrators. MuleSoft had a major presence on the exhibition floor — our first time at this event.

The timing of the event coincided with the GA launch of Tcat Server — enterprise Tomcat made simple. To celebrate the launch, we gave out very cool T-shirts to attendees (see below for how you can get one for free!) and held drawings for various prizes throughout the duration of the show.

Throughout the day, we were giving presentations on the top five things you can do with Mule ESB, data transformation for legacy COBOL, and breaking free from Java EE tyranny. We also had a circular bar set up in our booth, where we were giving live hands-on demonstrations of Tcat Server.

Oracle OpenWorld attendees line up to try Tcat Server

The presentations and live demos were a hit, with attendees literally lining up at our booth to give Tcat Server a try: over the course of three days, almost 2,000 people tried Tcat Server for themselves, and the response was incredible. Attendees were universally impressed with the simplicity of the user interface, and hundreds of them wanted to learn more about how Tcat Server might fit into their IT environment. Some were using Tomcat and were excited about Tcat Server’s enterprise features; others were existing WebLogic and WebSphere users who have finally found a way to migrate off of those legacy platforms to something more lightweight and cost effective.

Fans of Tcat Server gather for a presentation and drawing

Want to Receive a Free Tcat Server T-shirt?

For a limited time, you can get this Tcat Server T-shirt shipped to you for free! Simply download Tcat Server, and post a short review on your blog, with a link to the website. Send us a link to your blog, (tcat at with your address and T-shirt size (M, L, XL, or XXL), and we will send you a free shirt.

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