Here’s our weekly roundup of the top 5 integration and API articles of the week. Take a look, let us know if we missed any, and share your thoughts in the comments. Don’t forget to follow @MuleSoft to stay up-to-date on integration & APIs!
Why the Internet of Things Is More 1876 Than 1995
Looking back into history helps us understand our present and future. The Industrial Revolution hit its critical mass in 1876. The Internet of Things has hit that point today.
Enterprise Security Professionals Identify Mobile Computing Security Challenges
It’s clear BYOD has changed enterprise IT, but that doesn’t make it any less of a security nightmare. Data security, security policies, and integration top the list of problems.
Thinking mobile first? Think again…
In a world where device fragmentation is increasing, taking a mobile-first approach is yesterday’s thinking.
Welcome to the Industrial Internet: An Analysis for Middle Market Companies
In the past 200 years, we have had two major technology revolutions: the Industrial Revolution and the Internet Revolution. Now we are experiencing another metamorphic change: the Industrial Internet.

Five Questions About the Internet of Things
The “Internet of Things” has gone from hyped to cliché in a blink of an eye. But what lies behind the buzz word?
Here’s our weekly roundup of the top 5 integration and API articles of the week. Take a look, let us know if we missed any, and share your thoughts in the comments. Don’t forget to follow @MuleSoft to stay up-to-date on integration & APIs!
Why the Internet of Things Is More 1876 Than 1995
Looking back into history helps us understand our present and future. The Industrial Revolution hit its critical mass in 1876. The Internet of Things has hit that point today.
Enterprise Security Professionals Identify Mobile Computing Security Challenges
It’s clear BYOD has changed enterprise IT, but that doesn’t make it any less of a security nightmare. Data security, security policies, and integration top the list of problems.
Thinking mobile first? Think again…
In a world where device fragmentation is increasing, taking a mobile-first approach is yesterday’s thinking.
Welcome to the Industrial Internet: An Analysis for Middle Market Companies
In the past 200 years, we have had two major technology revolutions: the Industrial Revolution and the Internet Revolution. Now we are experiencing another metamorphic change: the Industrial Internet.

Five Questions About the Internet of Things
The “Internet of Things” has gone from hyped to cliché in a blink of an eye. But what lies behind the buzz word?