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Who are your customers? How can your business develop rich and deep relationships with them? We talk about using customer data in order to establish a single view of the customer; is your infrastructure equipped to collect and orchestrate all the relevant data in order to become truly customer-centric?

Customer data is complicated. It lives in multiple places, is generated at every touchpoint (not just sales), and changes frequently. Creating a holistic view of the customer journey can be a challenge, but one that can be solved with the right IT architecture. On July 30 at 10 A.M. PDT MuleSoft is presenting a webinar with Larry Drebes, the founder and CEO of Janrain. Join us to find out how to make customer data actionable for your business, the benefits of managing customer identity in the cloud, and to hear lessons learned from thousands of enterprises.

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Janrain’s Customer Identity architecture is built with MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform, which has had numerous benefits. Using MuleSoft has reduced the time to build new connectors by 80%, expanded the developer community for Janrain developers, and has made re-use of connectors easy, which allows developers to identify patterns that can be used for additional customer data. Working with MuleSoft allowed Janrain to launch more than 20 integrations in the first two months, which provides Janrain’s customers with more business intelligence.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to integrate customer data within a cloud environment using MuleSoft
  • The history of data integration architecture including: integration phases, requirements, rationale, limitations and implementation, and why Janrain ended up selecting MuleSoft for this functionality
  • Example connections and systems

If becoming more customer-centric is important to your company, this webinar is for you.