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COVID-19 has challenged leaders across organizations to move at an unprecedented pace, as they go from stabilizing operations to reopening the workplace to growing in the next normal. According to a recent survey of Fortune 500 CEOs, 63% said that the crisis would accelerate their digital transformation. Every industry faces immediate change, and every organization needs to deliver faster than ever before.

During this time, IT has the opportunity to lead with future-proof foundations and rapidly shift the operating models of their organizations. Below are quotes from three IT leaders across industries where they share their biggest professional learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. RBC Wealth Management

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Greg Beltzer, VP of Technology at RBC Wealth Management, says that his biggest takeaway following COVID-19 is the need to be fluid in the face of change. He shares that while a business may have its own initiatives, it’s important to adapt the technology to deliver the needs of the customer where they are personally. 

“You have to be able to roll with it — you have to dismiss the silos or barriers that you had before and look at the situation from a personal level.”

– Greg Beltzer, VP, Technology, RBC Wealth Management


Casey Cook, Enterprise Architect at USDA, says that his biggest takeaway from the pandemic is the benefits of remote connectivity for hiring. He shares that now the USDA is looking at recruitment in a new way because its employees have the capabilities to work anywhere. Cook says this widens the pool of talent to chose from and enables the USDA to chose candidates from across the country, as opposed to being on-location.

“The pandemic has likely driven some folks to realize that they can really have employees anywhere working for them. They don’t have to be down the hall.”

– Casey Cook, Enterprise Architect, USDA

3. WatchBox

Shri Ballal, CTO of WatchBox, says the scalability and the availability of WatchBox’s cloud ecosystem played a significant role in meeting the new needs of its customers amid the coronavirus pandemic. When COVID-19 began impacting the global economy, the company needed to pivot quickly from omnichannel experiences to an online-only experience for its customers. WatchBox quickly made this happen thanks to a flexible API strategy which enabled the company to quickly pivot. 

“Our decision to take on digital transformation with a connected cloud architecture under Salesforce as a cloud ecosystem, of which MuleSoft is an integral part, was the best decision we took before the COVID-19 pandemic.” 

– Shri Ballal, CTO of WatchBox

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