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Earlier this year we published our Connectivity Benchmark Report research that surveyed 951 IT decision makers on whether they’ve been able to achieve their digital transformation goals, whether they will have enough resources to do what they want to do this year, and whether they can actually complete all of their projects..

The answer to all of these is “no”; resourcing is a problem, time constraints and legacy software are holding IT departments back, and a resounding majority — nearly 70% — say that there is a misalignment between IT departments and the rest of the business between what a digital initiative can actually achieve.

latest report
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Does this sound true to you? Do you feel like there’s a disconnect between the work that you’re doing and the rest of the business? Do you feel like you have enough resources to do what you need to do? Are there specific obstacles that are in your way?

MuleSoft founder Ross Mason and Accenture Managing Director Davinder Gautam will be hosting a webinar on June 13 at 10 AM Pacific addressing these specific problems. As part of the webinar, we would love to hear your point of view about what’s happening in your company. We would also love to hear your thoughts about what’s holding you back from what you want to achieve, and whether your organization gets what your teams are trying to do.

Post your comments about what’s going on with your team and the work you’re doing as well as any questions you might have for Ross and Davinder here on the blog comments, or tweet to @MuleSoft with the hashtag #MuleTalks. We would love to know specifically if you feel like time constraints are stopping you from getting your projects done, and if there is a disconnect between what your team is doing and the rest of your organization.

And don’t forget to register for the webinar. Ross and Davinder will be providing solutions to the problems that IT decision makers have highlighted. They’ll be offering concrete suggestions to make developers’ lives easier, and to help the rest of the business understand why IT and digital innovation teams make the decisions they do, as well as their strategic importance.

Register for the webinar and send us your comments and questions. See you on the 13th!

Webinar Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am PST

register now