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For any retail brand, personalized, digital customer engagement is now essential for staying competitive, and with fully integrated data systems, businesses have the ability to not only deliver the targeted experiences that consumers expect, but expand their customer base. 

By knowing the variety of personas within their market, retailers can expand business opportunities and build a foundation for customer loyalty. The key to making this happen is the right data integration strategy that can ensure each interaction with a brand helps create a 360 degree view of a customer and enable personalized engagements. 

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Evolving digital customer engagement strategies 

Today’s consumer is an omnichannel user, which means retailers must gather data from all touchpoints. As an example, a consumer accesses a brand’s website for information about a specific product. After a search, they learn more and see it’s in stock at a nearby location. They also find a mobile coupon available to first-time customers. Taking advantage of it, the consumer makes a purchase at the store with the coupon and signs up for further promotional engagements, choosing to receive them as text messages. 

This scenario proves how shopping has changed and how omnichannel experiences are central to retail business. With a customized integration solution, retailers can strengthen customer connections based on a range of customer data. This includes purchase history, online activity, and reception to promotions. No matter their channel preferences, customers want personalized and consistent digital engagements that deliver relevant content. Data integration provides a foundation for making this a reality. 

3 data-focused customer engagement action items for the retail industry 

The importance of digital engagements continues to increase, and by adopting a platform like MuleSoft, businesses can evolve their cross-channel efforts by focusing on three key areas: creating frictionless experiences, increasing business opportunities, and reducing supply chain challenges. 

Creating frictionless experiences 

An inability to deliver seamless digital engagements is a dealbreaker for consumers. By combining integration and marketing strategies, a retailer can deliver targeted omnichannel campaigns that lead to high conversion rates and long-lasting connections. 

Increasing business opportunities

Fully integrated systems enable a greater understanding of the range of customers within a market. Knowing how to reach different demographics and their preferred channels can expand business opportunities and drive growth. 

Reducing supply chain challenges 

Retailers never want to lose a sale due to items being out of stock, so integrating store and supplier data can help businesses keep products on the shelf or available online. Data-driven operations drive greater supply chain transparency and satisfied customers. 

Close the experience gap at each touchpoint 

From online storefronts to retail outlets, businesses must ensure their consumers can transition across each touchpoint seamlessly. With MuleSoft, businesses can improve cross-channel marketing campaigns and create frictionless experiences featuring personalized content.

As retailers become more customer focused, Wipro is helping businesses close experience gaps and achieve the action items above by transforming data operations, enhancing digital engagement, and unlocking a 360-degree view of customers, no matter when or how they interact with a brand.