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The world has worked itself into a frenzy over Pokemon Go, the augmented reality game where Pikachu and his associates appear in local shops and restaurants. Many observers may have looked at this and thought that virtual reality will never have any impact on the enterprise.

Not so. In fact, there are numerous digital transformation trends that can have value for the enterprise. While it’s tempting to think that trends like virtual reality, the Internet of Things, and cognitive or machine learning should be relegated to the video game store or the consumer electronics shop, in fact they can provide value to the enterprise in reimagining customer engagement, data analytics, and even create new revenue streams.

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But how can your organization harness these trends to truly provide enterprise value? What’s the right strategy to adopt virtual reality, IoT, and machine learning? How can enterprises truly realize value from adopting new technologies rather than wasting time, money, and effort?

Find out how virtual reality, IoT, and machine learning can provide value to your company

On September 22 at 9 AM Pacific, Deloitte CTO Bill Briggs and MuleSoft founder Ross Mason will be hosting a webinar called Digital Businesses of the Future, which will discuss how these trends can and will create important value niches in the enterprise. They’ll talk about how businesses are adopting these trends and the kinds of results they’re getting from adopting these trends.

An important component of incorporating these trends into the enterprise is creating a capacity to change within your organization. It’s not enough to develop, for example, a virtual reality strategy and then bolt it on to your existing channel strategy, hoping that it will create business value; rather, it’s important to understand the business principles that apply to your enterprise and then develop a digital transformation strategy to enhance them. Bill and Ross will present a framework for doing this.

Enterprise value lies in the data these trends provide and transform, not in the trends themselves

The value niche that trends like virtual reality or IoT fill is about how they improve customer engagement or business processes; those are the goals that these trends can help you achieve, rather than becoming an end in themselves.

Find out from Deloitte and MuleSoft how the digital trends of today and tomorrow can not only provide value to your organization, but how to create the capability of adopting them seamlessly.

Register for Digital Businesses of the Future today.