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Version 0.9.4 of RESTx – the fastest way to create RESTful web services – has just been released. The main features introduced by this version are the ability to write components in server-side JavaScript, the addition of a JavaScript client library and much improved handling of content types for input and output. You can download it now.

  • Components are specialized, reusable pieces of code, which form the basis of RESTx’s RESTful resources. So far, we have already supported Java and Python as languages to write components. With version 0.9.4, server-side JavaScript joins the fray. As you can see from this example, writing components remains quick and easy. RESTx helps you to get started by providing you with a simple command line utility, which creates a component template in your language of choice, located where RESTx can find it, pre-configured with whatever name you have specified and ready for you to just fill in the blanks. Please also take a look at our blog post about the JavaScript support in RESTx.
  • RESTx is fully RESTful. This means that all interactions with a RESTx server take place through a simple, RESTful API. Any HTTP capable client can easily interact with RESTx, browsing available components, creating resources, examining and using existing resources through a simple and expressive hypermedia driven API. While not strictly necessary, convenience client libraries have always been part of RESTx. Previously, they were only provided for Java and Python. With this release, however, we are also adding a client library for JavaScript, which makes it even easier to use or create RESTx web services in rich web applications.
  • Service methods are now able to declare the supported MIME types for input as well as output. When browsing the RESTful API, the supported content types for service methods are shown, further helping the client to identify what to do with an available resource. RESTx takes care of the content negotiation and performs the necessary conversion of input data (the message body) to language-specific object representation, as well as the reverse for output from the service methods. That way, the component author can remain focused on the task at hand, not having to worry about this sort of ‘plumbing’.

Download RESTx 0.9.4 or visit the RESTx web-site for more information.Version 0.9.4 of RESTx – the fastest way to create RESTful web services – has just been released. The main features introduced by this version are the ability to write components in server-side JavaScript, the addition of a JavaScript client library and much improved handling of content types for input and output. You can download it now.

  • Components are specialized, reusable pieces of code, which form the basis of RESTx’s RESTful resources. So far, we have already supported Java and Python as languages to write components. With version 0.9.4, server-side JavaScript joins the fray. As you can see from this example, writing components remains quick and easy. RESTx helps you to get started by providing you with a simple command line utility, which creates a component template in your language of choice, located where RESTx can find it, pre-configured with whatever name you have specified and ready for you to just fill in the blanks. Please also take a look at our blog post about the JavaScript support in RESTx.
  • RESTx is fully RESTful. This means that all interactions with a RESTx server take place through a simple, RESTful API. Any HTTP capable client can easily interact with RESTx, browsing available components, creating resources, examining and using existing resources through a simple and expressive hypermedia driven API. While not strictly necessary, convenience client libraries have always been part of RESTx. Previously, they were only provided for Java and Python. With this release, however, we are also adding a client library for JavaScript, which makes it even easier to use or create RESTx web services in rich web applications.
  • Service methods are now able to declare the supported MIME types for input as well as output. When browsing the RESTful API, the supported content types for service methods are shown, further helping the client to identify what to do with an available resource. RESTx takes care of the content negotiation and performs the necessary conversion of input data (the message body) to language-specific object representation, as well as the reverse for output from the service methods. That way, the component author can remain focused on the task at hand, not having to worry about this sort of ‘plumbing’.
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Download RESTx 0.9.4 or visit the RESTx web-site for more information.Version 0.9.4 of RESTx – the fastest way to create RESTful web services – has just been released. The main features introduced by this version are the ability to write components in server-side JavaScript, the addition of a JavaScript client library and much improved handling of content types for input and output. You can download it now.

  • Components are specialized, reusable pieces of code, which form the basis of RESTx’s RESTful resources. So far, we have already supported Java and Python as languages to write components. With version 0.9.4, server-side JavaScript joins the fray. As you can see from this example, writing components remains quick and easy. RESTx helps you to get started by providing you with a simple command line utility, which creates a component template in your language of choice, located where RESTx can find it, pre-configured with whatever name you have specified and ready for you to just fill in the blanks. Please also take a look at our blog post about the JavaScript support in RESTx.
  • RESTx is fully RESTful. This means that all interactions with a RESTx server take place through a simple, RESTful API. Any HTTP capable client can easily interact with RESTx, browsing available components, creating resources, examining and using existing resources through a simple and expressive hypermedia driven API. While not strictly necessary, convenience client libraries have always been part of RESTx. Previously, they were only provided for Java and Python. With this release, however, we are also adding a client library for JavaScript, which makes it even easier to use or create RESTx web services in rich web applications.
  • Service methods are now able to declare the supported MIME types for input as well as output. When browsing the RESTful API, the supported content types for service methods are shown, further helping the client to identify what to do with an available resource. RESTx takes care of the content negotiation and performs the necessary conversion of input data (the message body) to language-specific object representation, as well as the reverse for output from the service methods. That way, the component author can remain focused on the task at hand, not having to worry about this sort of ‘plumbing’.

Download RESTx 0.9.4 or visit the RESTx web-site for more information.