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The world’s largest vendor-neutral API conference and expo, API World, is kicking off this week. And we are excited to announce that we will be on the ground from September 26-27 to talk about API program strategies, demo a solution using GraphQL APIs, show a fun demo that involves Twitter and a Commodore 64, and more!

Drop by booth 210 (left of the main entrance, near the lounge area), to learn how we used Anypoint Platform to connect a modern web service (Twitter) to an extremely legacy application (a Commodore 64), and also watch your own tweets appear on the big screen through a Commodore 64 first-hand.

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At the booth, we will also have drinks and snacks during the block party on Tuesday, September 26, as well as a lot of MuleSoft swag for you all-day during the week––from t-shirts to squishy mules!

Beyond our booth, you will also find us at these two talks:

Federated Graph Queries over REST and GraphQL APIs

Monday, 9/25 at 4PM

Aldo Bucchi, Principal Architect at MuleSoft

In many real-world scenarios, most applications depend on data scattered across many disparate systems. The tedious task of orchestrating the queries and munging the data falls on the developer. In this talk, Aldo will hypothesize a few new approaches, which will allow developers to simply write declarative graph queries instead of code, using RESTful or GraphQL APIs.

Strategies to Build an API Program At Scale

Tuesday 9/26 at 11AM

Ani Pandit and Rupesh Ramachandran, Client Architects

Many enterprises that have adopted an API program struggle to figure out a way to consistently scale the program and approach across many different lines of business. The key questions they must ask themselves are how do you design APIs that are highly consumable? And how do you publish them in a way so they are discoverable?

This session will discuss the importance of treating an API like a product and thinking about the full lifecycle around it, from design to build, test, deploy, and manage, to ensure the API is consumed by the end user. We will also discuss how to create an app store-like experience for your employees, partners, and customers to ensure your APIs are easy to discover and reuse.

We’ll be at API World all week, from September 26-27. So drop by our booth at any time and check out those talks! And, for real-time updates, follow us on Twitter @MuleDev!

Banner image courtesy of API World.