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87 percent of IT decision makers say that their business will change more in the next five years than in the previous five. That’s an exhilarating thought. MuleSoft’s Connect 2017 is the world’s premier conference for digital transformation, where business executives, chief architects, and developers can learn, network, and share ideas about driving real change in their organizations. Connect 2017 is one of the few places in the world where the boundaries of what’s possible in enterprise technology are pushed to their limit.

CONNECT 17 is the first venue where you can figure out how to become a more dynamic enterprise using APIs, using connectivity, using new transports, and using legacy systems,” says our CTO, Uri Sarid. Connect 2017 attendees will hear from organizations like New Relic, Okta, and Gartner on the future of technology in the enterprise and how top companies are addressing key concerns.

The Connect 17 Agenda

This year, due to popular demand, we will have four tracks for specific roles in order to deliver the most relevant and provocative material to you. Executives, architects, developers, and advanced MuleSoft developers will all have their own sessions dedicated to their needs and interests. This also means Connect 17 attendees will also get the chance to hear about a particular topic (perhaps DevOps, or microservices) from multiple perspectives, to understand it from a business strategy point of view as well as an architecture or delivery point of view. This means that the Connect 17 sessions will provide a vantage point where business strategy and technology work hand in hand.

Networking Opportunities at Connect 2017

The most valuable part of any conference is the chance to network and exchange ideas with your peers, and Connect 2017 is no exception. Given the hypercompetitive and disruptive enterprise environment, an important function of Connect 2017 is to exchange ideas with and get new perspectives from peers. We have built in many opportunities for networking and sharing ideas in the Connect Schedule.

Learning Opportunities at Connect 17

There will be fantastic opportunities at Connect 17 to learn about not only how to work with and optimize Anypoint Platform but also about how MuleSoft can be used to integrate the most advanced technology with your organization’s systems. There will be IoT demos, free certifications, and tips and tricks sessions for advanced MuleSoft developers.

Register for Connect 2017 today

All in all, Connect 2017 is going to be an extraordinary event that will reshape the way you think about APIs, integration, and the future of enterprise technology. Connect 2017 has great speakers, great networking, and great learning opportunities that could lead to dramatic outcomes for your business. Don’t miss this conference — register today.

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