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We are excited to announce that MuleSoft is fully revamping our Partner experience through a new program we call PartnerMax. PartnerMax is designed to help you grow your business, your influence, and your career. 

What is PartnerMax? 

Not only are we working to upgrade our existing resources (Coming soon: New PartnerMax Portal, PartnerMax Newsletter – and more), but we are also rolling out new and improved programs to help you thrive with MuleSoft.

We used feedback from our partners to mold and shape this exciting upgrade. We know that partners want content centered around their specific roles and objectives, so that is the lens through which we are building our new partner experience. PartnerMax will make it very easy for you to navigate which programs and resources are the best fit for the goals you want to achieve. Join us as we help accelerate your success to the max

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Grow with PartnerMax 

PartnerMax is designed with growth in mind, but what does this growth look like for our partners? Recently, our team sat down with our first female MuleSoft Ambassador in ANZ, Mary Joy Sabal, to hear the story of her PartnerMax journey:

3 steps to jumpstart your PartnerMax experience

Sabal’s story is a great example of how to leverage PartnerMax for your own development. Below are three ways that you can learn from her experience to accelerate your own growth today. 

1. Join the MuleSoft Community 

The MuleSoft Community is home to a wealth of knowledge – from blog posts, to help centers, to meet-ups, and more – this is your one-stop-shop for taking your MuleSoft skills to the next level. Mary Joy notes: “Being an active member of the MuleSoft Community helped me build my profile as a woman in tech. It also gave me the opportunity to inspire other women in the industry.” 

2. Become a MuleSoft Mentor 

Our MuleSoft Mentor program allows you to mentor rising stars in the MuleSoft community, all while increasing your own skills along the way. Mentors guide others by leading or speaking at MuleSoft Meetups, writing content, and much more. These individuals are knowledgeable about Anypoint Platform, MuleSoft Composer, and other aspects of MuleSoft. 

Apply today or nominate someone else to join this program. Mary Joy shares: “As a part of the MuleSoft Mentor program, you can get training programs from Mule and get involved with the product roadmap review which is really good. It will help you build your profile, and at the same time, your skills.” 

3. Become a MuleSoft Ambassador 

Once you’ve established yourself as a successful member of the MuleSoft Mentor program, you are eligible for consideration as a MuleSoft Ambassador. Unlike our programs that allow people to apply (such as our Champions program), the MuleSoft team hand-selects Ambassadors based on individual performance as a Mentor. 

“Through the MuleSoft Ambassador program and the PartnerMax program, I was able to speak at events around the world, write high quality blogs, and become the first ever female MuleSoft Ambassador in the ANZ region! Nothing is stopping me now.” – Mary Joy Sabal 

Take your next step 

You have goals for your life and your career. Through PartnerMax, we want to equip you with everything you need to reach those goals, just like Mary Joy did! Get started on your journey today, because “Life is better when you go after your dreams.” 

Take advantage of these great resources today and stay tuned for more exciting upgrades and updates as we enter an exciting new chapter of MuleSoft partnership! Want to tell your own PartnerMax story and be our next featured Partner? Reach out to us today!