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Organizations worldwide and the communities they serve are experiencing extraordinary trials because of the current COVID-19 pandemic. As we collaborate with our partners to provide insights and tools to help leaders manage their business and lead through change, we’d like to highlight some solutions PwC has developed to help address key customer challenges.

PwC is helping companies adapt to new developments caused by the COVID-19 outbreak — from mobilizing during the crisis and stabilizing in the new environment to strategizing for the future. PwC developed resources and solutions to help organizations in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and financial services industries, among others, overcome COVID-19 hurdles.

Healthcare industry solutions

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In the Netherlands, PwC implemented a Health Cloud Care Response Solution to provide relief for a hospital taxed by the pandemic. It helps the hospital manage increased workloads and enables remote care, volunteer relocation, and easier communication between patients and staff.

Pharmaceutical and life science industry solutions

PwC’s Patient Assistance Program (PAP) Live provides an out-of-the-box solution that helps pharmaceutical and life science companies digitize their patient assistance programs) within three to four months. The repeatable solution improves customer experiences for all users, including healthcare workers on the front lines that need extra support during the pandemic. The program also expedites prescription deliveries and reduces operational costs and inefficiencies. 

Financial services industry solutions

PwC’s CARES Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Support Solution helps banks and lenders accelerate and simplify the paycheck protection program loan forgiveness process without overburdening already stretched resources.

Business and workforce management solutions

PwC’s resource hub for US-based leaders includes its COVID-19 CFO Pulse Survey of how finance leaders are navigating these unprecedented disruptions and provides an in-depth analysis of biweekly results and key implications. They also offer a hub with tools to help organizations build a future-ready workforce.  

The new suite by Salesforce includes solutions that allow organizations to safely reopen their workplaces and keep employees, customers, partners, and communities safe and informed. PwC has several pre-configured solutions to help enhance the Command Center.  PwC’s Cleaning and Safety Support App is an intuitive mobile app designed to help get an organization’s physical working spaces ready to get back to business, ultimately helping rebuild consumer confidence in the shopping experience. To help companies protect their workforce, PwC’s Automatic Contact Tracing solution helps identify employees’ levels of exposure and potential risks. Companies are also leveraging PwC’s Status Connect solution to enable insights that help drive health, productivity, and effectiveness among their workforce.

In Australia, PwC’s Project Spirit online community delivers COVID-19 business support, enables idea-sharing, and connects businesses with other businesses that have idle capacity, skills, or resources. 

Another PwC solution, Workforce Management QuickStart, helps companies increase worker safety during the outbreak while streamlining operations. Organizations can model their workplace site capacities and manage office density, optimize scheduling, and ensure the safety of workers by planning worker arrival, staggering shifts, and maintaining social distancing.

Support for communities

Recognizing the importance of good stewardship, particularly during the pandemic, PwC created a virtual support hub with a range of community and non-profit resources, as well as support for continuous learning needs. The hub helps those struggling with food insecurity and access to healthcare and internet connectivity.

In February, the PwC Charitable Foundation, Inc. made a $350,000 grant to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for Chinese health workers battling COVID-19. When the virus reached the U.S., the foundation announced new grants totaling $2.85 million to provide food, education, PPE, and care essentials.

PwC and MuleSoft are here to help

Organizations around the world continue to respond to the evolving and unprecedented challenges presented by the pandemic. MuleSoft is proud to partner with PwC in leading through change and providing solutions that help companies emerge stronger on the other side. “PwC and MuleSoft are working closely with businesses and the broader community to help them mobilize and stabilize in response to the crisis and strategize for a brighter tomorrow,” said Zach Sachen, Mulesoft Health Industries Leader at PwC.

Additional resources include a partner Q&A and more tips for navigating COVID-19 challenges.