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This week we’ve released a number of updates to Anypoint Platform, including new versions of API Manager, Anypoint Analytics, Anypoint API Gateway, Anypoint MQ and Anypoint Partner Manager. These updates provide improved usability for Anypoint Platform admins and owners.

API Manager 1.8.0

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This release delivers a new admin user experience and improves policy management for API administrators with the following features:

API Administration

Based on user feedback, we’ve redesigned API Manager to give administrators more flexibility. A new summary panel now displays API proxy status, API version history, and rich version descriptions (e.g. owners, apps, policies, SLA tiers, etc.) — all without any expand/collapse clicking. Additionally, an API can now have multiple owners.

January update 1

Application Management

Organization owners now have a single place to access and manage all applications; you can easily find your apps for contract approval/revocation.

January update 2

Gateway Awareness & Policy Ordering

Users now have control over the sequence in which their API policies are enforced. Additionally, only policies supported by the Gateway tracking your API will be offered for configuration.

January update 3


To further improve usability and policy management, we’re also announcing two other product releases:

Anypoint Analytics 1.10.1

Anypoint Analytics APIs now support OAuth tokens in addition to JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for calling the Anypoint Analytics Query and Reports API. Additionally, going to the analytics homepage directly without a validation token now redirects the user to the Anypoint Platform login page.


Anypoint API Gateway 2.0

This release focuses on policies enhancements and support for the following features:

  • Custom policies support Dataweave and now any custom policy can be published to Anypoint Exchange,
  • Proxies now return the appropriate 504 error on timeout of implementation API
  • API Analytics now track a broader set of events (e.g. timeout errors) and not just policy violations.
  • Standby cloud API Gateway instances can be deployed rapidly with Fast Deploy (previously available only for cloud integration workers)
  • Global support for API Gateway 2.2.0 will be available on CloudHub in Feb 2016.


Finally, we’ve released two more product updates based on user feedback:

Anypoint MQ 1.0.1

Per user requests, we now support Anypoint MQ on IE11.

Anypoint Partner Manager

  • Adds Trading partner management capability to our Anypoint B2B solution. This capability is critical for customers to on-board their trading partners. Anypoint Partner Manager allows you to:
    • Add and manage trading partners
    • Centralize configuration for AS2, FTPS and EDI connectors
    • View B2B message transmissions with trading partners.
  • Documentation
  • Release notes

Stay tuned for further updates and releases!