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We created this calculator to assess whether your company is ready to embark on the digital transformation journey. Take the quiz and find out where your organization is on the path to digital success!


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Every business is undertaking some kind of digital transformation initiative. In a recent survey of 800 IT decision makers, fully 96% said they were either taking steps to enact digital transformation or were planning to soon. For IT decision makers, harnessing digital disruption is clearly a key business imperative.But as almost every single IT decision maker can attest, digital transformation isn’t easy and it doesn’t happen overnight. It depends not only on making the right technology decisions but creating a culture and capability for change. But how do you know your organization is really ready for change and to take advantage of everything the digital revolution has to offer? How do you know whether your IT organization is ready to evolve?

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We’ve created a guidebook, called First, Break IT, that outlines the principles of digital transformation and reveals case studies of real companies in numerous industries that have achieved positive business outcomes by responding proactively to digital disruption. Take a look and make sure your company’s efforts at change are set up for success.