Reading Time: 3 minutes

Here’s our weekly roundup of the top 5 integration and API articles of the week.  Take a look, let us know if we missed any, and share your thoughts in the comments.  Don’t forget to follow @MuleSoft to stay up-to-date on integration & APIs!

Infographic: The API Economy Explained

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Software is eating the world; APIs are eating software. So what is the API economy and how can you capture its value? Check out this infographic to find out!

Five Great API Ecosystem Lessons from Evernote

Building an API ecosystem into a platform is essential for joining the API economy. Evernote learned 5 important lessons on their path to “platformification”.

Facebook’s Big Data: Equal Parts Exciting and Terrifying?

Facebook has gigantic amounts of data at their disposal, making it a big data paradise. What they’re choosing to do with this data is causing more than a little concern.

Bringing Intelligence to REST

REST’s uniform interface lies at the heart of the API economy, but REST doesn’t address an important distributed computing challenge: how to deal with dynamic business context.

Kimono Is A Smarter Web Scraper That Lets You “API-ify” The Web, No Code Required

A new Y Combinator-backed startup called Kimono wants to make it easier to access data from the unstructured web.