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Here’s our weekly roundup of the top 5 integration and API articles of the week.  Take a look, let us know if we missed any, and share your thoughts in the comments.  Don’t forget to follow @MuleSoft to stay up-to-date on integration & APIs!

If you’re interested in Integration and APIs, don’t miss CONNECT 2014 – the event behind the integration revolution!

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Infographic: Understanding the Internet of Things

“On the internet, no one knows you’re a toaster.” Understand the Internet of Things in a whole new way with this infographic.

Politics of APIs

The business and building blocks of APIs are pretty clear at this point, but the politics of APIs are going to become an increasingly hot topic as the space continues to grow.

The Internet of Things needs standards.

The Internet of Things will live or die by its integration.

3 Great Tips to Improve Your API Status Pages

An API status page should communicate with developers about issues, both current and recent. But which goals should API providers consider in their status page?

At TED, Sharpening the Vision of the Internet of Things

Much has been made of the data produced by the Internet of Things, but the most interesting thing about the Internet of Things may be the Things.