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It’s a common scenario in many businesses – every function in the organization wants to add a mobile app or a new SaaS application and they all rely on IT to deliver. It is becoming very difficult for IT to keep up with the demands on their time and resources coming from the organization today. What if there were a way for IT to deliver more projects and create new innovations with the same amount of resourcing?

Register for our webinar, Rethinking IT for Digital Transformation, to find out how to structure your IT team to become an enabler of technology throughout the organization.

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We’ll talk about how IT can transform from its traditional function as the sole technology provider to an adaptive, responsive and nimble organization that can keep up with the pace of the digital era.

Companies today rely on technology to respond to opportunities and threats. They need to be able to run at maximum efficiency to thrive in today’s hyper-connected business environment. Join us to learn how a change in mindset about IT can result in positive business outcomes, and learn from companies who’ve made the shift.