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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2009 is coming up quickly. It will be held on October 3rd and 4th at Foothill College in Los Altos, CA. I attended last year and found the talks to be very informative and the attendees really engaged. It’s a great format, open to anyone and free to anyone who pre-registers. Last year there was a real mix of topics and this year they are introducing tracks to help guide attendees.

I decided to submit a session this year and will be talking about dead-simple integration for web app development. Most developers will admit that integrating external applications, services and data is not the easiest part of building software. In many respects, it has gotten easier with the evolution of RESTful services, but not every data feed or services is available over a REST interface and still manipulating URIs and HTTP protocols, parsing various data formats, and dealing with authentication protocols and keys is not simple when programming in server side Java.

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Here at MuleSoft, we have a lot of experience with integration. Our Mule ESB is very powerful and flexible for developers wanting to implement Service Oriented Architecture, deploy web services, or integrate legacy systems with new applications. However, we realize the average Java web developer needs a simpler approach to pull data and services directly into their web application. In the coming weeks, we will be launching a new project to address these needs and I plan to demonstrate and talk about it at CodeCamp this year.

BTW, if you attended Ross Mason’s talk at JavaZone this week, you already got a sneak preview. See you at Code Camp next month!