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When an issue arises in production it can be quite daunting to reproduce it in a test environment.  Ideally one debugs the live application.  But logs don’t tell the whole story.  And a severe issue may require the application be taken down.  How can it be stopped and debugged at the same time?  With Mule composite sources and Mule Management Console (MMC) end-point control you can eat your cake and have it, too.

The composite-source element of a Mule flow can contain one or more inbound end-points.  Use one or more for production and any number of others for debugging; then set up the debug end-points to provide detailed visibility into your mule application.    MMC can then be used to control which end-points are enabled.  With this approach you won’t need to waste time setting up a reproduction environment when problems occur nor will you need to shut down the application to diagnose problems.

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The following example augments the familiar Mule “Hello” example, applying a message-properties-transformer to add a debug flag used to manipulate control logic and application output.  Normally the application is run using port 8888.  The end-point at 18888, however, applies the transformer to set the debug flag.  A choice router in the ChitChat flow routes the message to a debugging component when the flag is detected.  This component adds flow statistics to the “Hello” output, shown here:

Below is the message-properties-transformer and composite source.  Note the “debug” flag added to the message properties and the alternate endpoint at port 18888 that applies the transformer:

This is the choice router that looks for the debug flag and routes to a debug component when the flag is set:

Inbound end-points can be stopped and started using the Mule ESB Management Console.  Navigate to the “Flows” tab, select the flow having the application end-points, then click the end-points tab.  Select the desired end-point and choose stop (or start) from the pull-down menu.

You don’t have to use the same connector type for inbound end-points.  A common scenario is to use a JMS inbound-endpoint for debugging.

The Mule ESB Management Console already provides deep runtime diagnostic capability.  Leveraging Mule composite sources and MMC end-point control further enhances diagnostic flexibility and power, with the potential to significantly reduce support turn-around time.

You can find the full Mule configuration along with the rest of the example code here.