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In order to connect assets to audiences with speed and scale, you need a powerful data transformation tool. That tool should be able to integrate in real time using APIs, do batch tasks such as data ingestion or synchronization and handle a variety of data sources – from JSON to EDI to XML.

Our solution is called DataWeave. It’s a simple, powerful way to query and transform all types of data. If you’re interested in getting started with DataWeave, MuleSoft Principal Solutions Consultant Nial Darbey has written a series of blog posts designed to help you get going.

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Learn why we are the Leaders in API management and iPaaS

If you’d like to see a demo of DataWeave, Nial and MuleSoft’s Director of Product Management, Dan Diephouse, will be showcasing DataWeave’s capabilities on September 30, 2015, at 10 AM PST.

Register today and learn more about DataWeave.