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The Mule IDE 2.2.1 release that went out today contains a big productivity improvement: a hot deployment builder. It allows you to deploy your project to a running Mule 3 instance automatically. Read all about hot deployment in Mule 3 in the user guide.

The easiest way to get started with the hot deployment builder is to create a new Mule project. It will have the builder attached automatically. Note that the builder is only active when you create a new Mule project that is associated with a Mule 3 distribution. Projects that point to a Mule 2 distribution will still have the builder configured but it simply does nothing.

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If you have an existing Mule IDE project and you want to use the hot deployment builder with it that’s possible, too: Simply right-click on the project and use the “Toggle Mule Nature” menu item from the context menu. As soon as you add the nature you will notice that the project icon changes slightly.

The hot deployment builder still has some rough edges but I wanted to publish it rather sooner than later to give Mule IDE users a chance to try it out. Please provide feedback if you find this feature useful.

If you have previously installed Mule IDE from the update site you can just check for updates and the new release should be downloaded and installed. See the Installation Guide for instructions how to install from scratch.