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A couple of months ago, I reviewed the process for deploying Mule Galaxy, our SOA governance platform, onto Amazon’s EC2. Not long after that, I was introduced to cloudtools, a set of tools for deploying, managing, and testing Java EE applications on EC2. With these tools, it becomes trivial to deploy an application like Mule Galaxy to the cloud in minutes, rather than hours.

I decided to apply for a beta account at Cloud Foundry, a hosted version of cloudtools, which is now accepting applications. I was approved for the beta by the time I checked my mail and it took me all of 10 minutes to log in and perform the following actions:

  1. Download Galaxy Enterprise Edition WAR, a WAR of Mule Galaxy that can be embedded inside Tomcat, Jetty, or your favorite servlet container by clicking on the installer for Mule Galaxy Enterprise Edition.
  2. Download, a collection of endorsed JAR files that Mule Galaxy requires, including JAXB, Xalan, Xerces, and XML serializer.
  3. Log in to Cloud Foundry, click Applications, and then click Upload Application.
  4. Upload your application by entering the following and then clicking Create:
    – JVM Options: -Xmx128m
    – WAR File – specify the copy of galaxy-ee-web-1.5.3-embed.war that you downloaded
    – Context Root: galaxy
    – Database Name: galaxy
    – Database User ID and password: admin / admin
    – Endorsed JARs: click the Deploy? check box and specify the copy of that you downloaded
  5. Galaxy now appears in the list of available applications. Click Launch, enter a name for the cluster, and then click Launch.
  6. On the Clusters tab, click the new cluster, and then click Go To Home Page to access your new Mule Galaxy application.
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Boom! Mule Galaxy on EC2 in no time at all.

Next up: Deploying to the cloud using Maven!