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On Monday, I spoke to a standing room only crowd at the San Francisco Java Users Group about using the Mule ESB to integrate applications. We talked about:..

  • What Mule is and what is the difference between integration and SOA
  • Why use a Mule for integration
  • How Mule helps with integration in the Cloud
  • Best practices for planning and implementation
  • Test driven development with Mule

I provided an example to help demonstrate the concepts we discussed and promised I would post it. It is attached here. The demo includes a MuleIDE project and a Google App Engine project. You don’t need the App Engine piece to run it. It just provides a front end application that triggers an event in Mule. This is a work in progress and I hope to improve on it for future talks.

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This was my first SF JUG meeting and the questions and group discussion were fantastic. If you live or work in the city, I encourage you to check it out. Marakana were excellent hosts and I hear they may be securing a larger facility to hold the growing attendance. I’ll be giving this presentation at a few more events in the coming months, including the eBig Java SIG (April 15 in Oakland, CA), Java MUG (April 8 in Dallax, TX), and the Silicon Valley JUG (date TBD). Hope to see you there!