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ActiveMQ in Action, an upcoming book from Manning Publications, may well end up being the perfect companion book for Mule In Action.

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Thanks to Mule ESB’s native support for Apache ActiveMQ and the capacity to transparently use Spring for advanced configuration needs, Mule has long been the ESB of choice to tap into ActiveMQ’s JMS goodness.

With the release of Mule 3 getting closer every day, it seems like a perfect time to celebrate the lengthy love affair between these two fine open source projects. I’ve written up a nice long article to introduce you to some of the juicier benefits of pairing Mule ESB and ActiveMQ.

Click here to read the article on, which includes:

  • a tour of common Mule+ActiveMQ usage topologies
  • new configuration examples (complete with GitHub download links)
  • tips to help you configuring Mule+ActiveMQ infrastructures for production
  • …and more!