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While the rest of the team was still busy with Mule 3 release preparations I took some time to update Mule IDE to be compatible with Mule 3.

What’s new?

I have put most work into creating new projects from the examples that come with the Mule distribution. This feature was rewritten to match the examples layout in Mule 2.2.x as well as in Mule 3. You’ll notice that the entire example is now copied over (minus a few files that do not make sense in an Eclipse project, such as build files). If the example requires additional jar files, they will be downloaded into the project. A lib folder will be created inside the new project to host those additional jars and they will be added to the project’s classpath.

Custom project templates

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Custom project templates, a topic that was described in a previous blog post, will benefit greatly from the new approach described above. One area that is still a bit weak is the download of additional jars. Right now the IDE “knows” Mule’s examples and the additional libraries to download. But I can think of a way to make this approach generic so that you can have Mule IDE download additional jars as part of creating a new Mule project from a template. Speak up if you’re interested in discussing this feature.

Get it!

If you have previously installed Mule IDE from the update site you should be able to update your existing Eclipse installation. Just register a new update site location and Eclipse will detect the new version. See the Installation Guide for instructions how to install.