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It has been a while since I last blogged about the new XMPP transport for Mule ESB. I’ve been making slow progress since then, but I’ve finally arrived at a point where the transport is starting to be useable. I’d like to show that by building a simple jabber client using the XMPP and stdio transports.

Before I can even start sending something I need to connect to a Jabber server. All server information is configured on the connector element.

connector name="xmppConnector" host="localhost"
user="dirk" password="secret"/>

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Now, let’s send out a message to a chat partner. The input is read from the console so I can interactively play with the transport:

Now when I type something on the console and press return, a message is created, flows through Mule, and the XMPP transport forwards it to the Jabber server.

Chatting is typically a two way communication so I need a second flow to receive my chat partner’s replies:

The xmpp-to-object-transformer (referenced as xmpp2object above) is necessary to extract the payload from the xmpp message that’s received from the Jabber server into a plain String that is displayed on the console.

Did I whet your appetite? You can play with the new transport yourself. Snapshot builds are available from our continuous integration server. I’d be very interested in any feedback you have.