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The Mule framework provides all the extract/transform/load (ETL) tools you need for connecting to data sources, extracting and transforming data, and passing it along on any number of channels.

For example, you can easily poll JDBC data sources and the file system, use a transformer to convert the data between formats, and then send it to a location such as a database, file, queue, email, or FTP server. There are several predefined transformers with Mule, but it’s also simple to create your own. You can also use filters to filter out invalid messages or to consume only a certain type of file in the input folder. You can even split the message into multiple messages, such as splitting one file into several rows.

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A recent webinar by MuleSource core developers Dirk Olmes and Travis Carlson walks you through the example of extracting data from a file, transforming it using a custom transformer, splitting it into separate lines, and then inserting each line into a database. It then shows how to do the same thing in reverse, pulling data from a database, transforming it, and saving it to a file. The webinar includes details on parsing character delimited fields, writing a transformer to generate a Map, and sending Maps to endpoints.

You can view the 38-minute webinar and download the complete example files here.

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