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Automatic Pickup of Third-party Transports and Modules
In a previous blog post about the Mule IDE, I described its configuration wizard, which makes it very easy to create a Mule configuration... read more.
Browsing the Source Code with the Mule IDE
If you're working with the Mule IDE, the Mule source code is automatically attached to the Mule JARs. This allows you to browse and... read more.
Get Your HAM (Highly Available Mule)
You may remember that two months ago, I did a webinar on Using Mule and GigaSpaces for Scalable SOA. In this webinar, Uri Cohen... read more.
Webinar: Graphical Data Transformation for Mule ESB
Another reminder that tomorrow we have a really interesting webinar on how to graphically design data transformations between XML documents and Java objects using... read more.
Dallas JavaMUG
Continuing my whirlwind speaking tour on Mule, I landed in Dallas this week to talk to the JavaMUG. This was my first MUG (I've... read more.
Drag and Drop Data Mapping for Mule
Almost any application you build using Mule will require some kind of data transformation. One thing that I frequently hear come up on the... read more.
Galaxy 1.5.2 is released!
The Galaxy team is happy to announce the availability of the 1.5.2 release. This release provides several improvements:.. Support for Mule 2.2 Policy enforcement... read more.
Mulecast: A conversation with the creator of The Science Service Bus (SSB)
In this episode, MuleSource Sr. Director of Engineering speaks with Edwin Tellman, creator of The Science Service Bus (SSB). As the name implies, the... read more.
Jersey, Restlet, and Abdera RESTpack Releases Available for Mule 2.2.1
We're happy to announce the availability of the RESTpack connectors for Mule 2.2, which include support for Jersey, Abdera, and Restlet. In addition to... read more.
Mule Enterprise 2.2 Released
We are pleased to announce the General Availability of Mule Enterprise 2.2. This release includes all the great features and bug fixes in the... read more.