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Here’s our weekly roundup of the top 5 integration and API articles of the week.  Take a look, let us know if we missed any, and share your thoughts in the comments.  Don’t forget to follow @MuleSoft to stay up-to-date on integration & APIs!

Why Are We Still Talking About Software Integration?

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Software integration used to be the customer’s headache in the days of on-premise solutions, but the cloud has changed all that. So why are we still talking about it?

Dark Matter in the API Universe

96% of the mass of the universe is represented by something we can’t observe – dark matter. In the API universe far more organizations are building private APIs as opposed to public API programs. This is the dark matter of the API universe.

7 Things To Think About With Enterprise Mobile Service Architecture

EMSA is here and will likely become an important part of enterprise architecture going forward. But there are many moving parts that must be considered.

Tesla’s Over-the-Air Fix: Best Example Yet of the Internet of Things?

To date, the Internet of Things has largely been cool devices and fashionable technology. Tesla’s over-the-air fix may yet be the best example of what the Internet of Things could be.

GE Plans to Expose APIs for the Industrial Internet

GE Software plans to publish APIs that allow developers to manage the broad range of equipment it builds and services as part of a platform it calls the Industrial Internet.